• Our Vision

    To be a leading micro international premium Sri Lankan global brand in the homemade meal making category using herbs and spices.

  • Our Mission

    To offer uniquely different range of premium, seasoning mixes to provide easy solutions to make tasty and aromatic meals to housewives by using 100% natural ingredients, bear in mind innovation, invention and community participation.

  • Our Values

    1. Live and let live.
    2. Be responsible for ecology.
    3. Practice fair trade with stakeholders

Spices & Herbs Blended with Allspice Leaves

Our recipes were developed in the kitchen using traditional knowledge & home made with care.

Allspice Leaves

The All Spice leaf (Pimenta Dioica) contains therapeutic elements which promote wellbeing and the food’s natural Flavour and aroma flavour of Clove, Nutmeg, Cinnamon with their enhancing properties which are infused from its 85% content of Eugenol - Total Phenolic Content (TPC) hence it is called “AllSpice”